Re-Returning – And an Apology


First of all, I’d like to apologize to various folks both in MystBlogs and in Myst/Uru in general. It’s been a horrifically busy few months, and I’ve not been that out-of-touch in some time.

Anyway, there’s lots to talk about what I’ve been doing during that time, but it summarizes to:

-> Travian Endgame in, and my eventual leaving it due to work having a chat regarding my performance during that time. :p It was probably for the best anyway.

-> Work is, as usual, insane. We’ve steadily been getting rid of the old site next door to home, and enough stuff was moved that I finally have a desk again at the newer datacenter up north. :) I’m down to two major systems to move, and one of them will go this week (I hope).

-> Trying something new in the fitness front, namely this. A bit over the top perhaps, but it’s helped quite a bit. Unfortunately the increased social contact has gotten me more colds than I used to have, but oh well.

-> And, unfortunately, looking for the ‘next PC.’ I’ve my roommate to blame for that; He finally got a game he could not play on his old P4 (Dirt), and went off to do a complete rebuild of his PC’s innards (including his first PCI-e 16x card). Amusingly, we may end up with very similar systems this time around – I picked the ‘winning’ processor (Intel Q6600) and he decided to go straight to X38 chipset using an Asus RoG Mainboard. I’m still debating sticking to the older P35 (and therefore an MSI LanParty board), but I have to admit he’s got a winning combo (other than his decision to buy Vista -ICK!!!).

Looking forward to see what will happen for the MO:UL season closer. Probably will not be able to login until Friday anyway, but we’ll see.


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