Firefox not liking my layout

Just learned that Firefox (the 1.5 anyway) is not happy with the theme I use. It’s black-letterhead for anyone interested.

I’ll do some research on fixing it, or look for something else.


EDIT: Found it, bad sidebar.php file when adding the Exxoff stuff. I disconnected during the edit, probably that’s what happened.


Exxoff Button

I’ve added a link on the sidebar, to the [Exxoff][EO] site, as I’m participating in the ‘protest.’

Originally found [here][RM].



Fun /w Portable Music II

I’m sitting here waiting for the below-mentioned MicroDrive to finish its new format, and a later run with Norton Disk Doctor (if it allows me). Got some errors and trying to diagnose now.

In any event, attempt 4 will be to hijack what music I need onto a 512 Meg thumbdrive. Enough for a couple albums I listen to most, plus a hodgepodge collection to round out the free space.

Last I heard the actual HDD for work should be back this week.

[EDIT: Nope. *sigh* So much for hope. Still rebuilding, scanning, and futzing to try and clean the MD.]


Fun /w Getting Music Portable

I normally would not post about anything remotely related to work, but this is bordering on a funny story and not really related to work per se.

Got hooked on listening to music at night, from co-worker leaving an external disk of his hooked up on the USB. He’s had it sent off to a relative for couple months now, and am getting serious withdrawal.

Not interested in kicking off a remote/Internet stream, as it gets logged and I feel that I’m skirting things as it is with [CGI:IRC][1] (though not as badly, its just a bunch of text). Also, the streams I preferred died due to lack of donations or other funding, or required something like WinAmp or some other player that was *not* the default in a Win2K environment (aka Media Player 9). So, I start to go about getting my own relatively small setup to bring on my own.

Now, one would think that it’s relatively easy to do this. Well, you’d be wrong. I have horrible luck at times…

Attempt 1: 1 Gig USB thumbdrive (fits enough for me to enjoy). I lost it at a Target store within 12 hours of thinking this and loading it with songs. Thanks to that I’m getting [StuffBak][2] tags for the important things, and ordered the second-gen Lexar SecureDrive II so I can also hold important files in encrypted form in case another loss occurs, even while attached to work PCs (thankfully there was nothing important on the damn thing).

Attempt 2: My Camera card (512 CF) and the small USB Reader I bought with it. Well, they’re also MIA at the moment, but known to be in the apartment somewhere anyway so not worried as much.

Attempt 3: A 4 Gig MicroDrive I was able to rip out of a semi-portable USB chassis, for which the normal connector failed (freebie from my father). Though the older reader is still MIA, a secondary was found in the form of the USB floppy drive I bought for my recently aquired SFF case. A bit bulky, but is doing the job OK for now. This begs for a pic, but as I said my Camera Card is missing. :(

Indeed, horrid luck. I’d have used the new notebook, but it will read everything except CF/MD. Figures.


Second Life Community Convention

I am currently sitting again at the NY Law School. This time however, the participants only for State of Play have left and now we’re about to kick off the Second Life Community Convention.

This is a first for Second Life. Though unofficial gatherings have happened before, this is an officially sponsored event. I hope that it will be an interesting way for the SL folks to interact in RL from here on.

More later in the week. I’m going to be busy from here on out today.


[Followup] The weekend was a nice one, overall. I do not have much else to say really, something like SLCC or SoP is new to me and really don’t have anything to compare it to. I’m following a couple other folks’ blogs now (look to your right) and will comment to them as posts happen.


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