Info on Sungak /

Sungak is a very old (circa 1992) Internet moniker that I gave for myself back in my college days.

It was originally ‘The Whovian’ actually (mostly during high school), but after a couple incarnations of Sungak (in varying RPG forms) it gradually switched over.

Evolution and usage of name in varying forms/characters:

–> 1992 – Dark Sun, Thri-Kreen Psionicist (yeah, go ahead and giggle, those who understand why ;-).

–> 1992-1993 – Renegade Outpost MUD, tri-50 Thief/Cleric/Mage; A half-decent, cool support char for DikuMUD, back in the day.

–> 1993-‘Present’ – Rolemaster 2nd Ed RPG, Lay Healer (currently lvl 21 or so I think, but politically – that’s another story…) Full/Original Name: Sognec Alkandenes (Later renamed ‘Sungak’ in his life, dropping the last name).  The gaming group disbanded around 2011, but the character was alive and well at the time.

For my GW2 Story, I’ve extrapolated what this character would be like at the end of the major ‘War Arc’ that was running; he becomes a Guardian upon entering Tyria, which suits the personality.

–> 1998-2002 –, used as an old login for Starcraft (the original) and Diablo 2; removed by them twice so far, due to inactivity.  And good riddance, honestly.

–> 2009-2012 – Eve Online, 2nd ‘Main’ (as Sognec El’Kendan).  That character is certainly retired.

–> 2012-Current – Guild Wars 2, Primary character (as Sognar Elkendan) as well as the account name (Sungak Alkandenes)

–> 2019-Current – Elder Scrolls Online, account name Sungak_A – which was actually the original Battle.Net login

I used to have a series of poems that surrounded the many forms Sungak has taken throughout the years. If I ever find it I’ll clean it up for here.

The domain of was just an offbeat name I decided to choose for my re-emerging web presence. Nothing more, nothing less. :)

More details on whom I am can be found from the ‘Profile’ link, on the left…

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