Beginnings and Endings

I finished cleaning up the old Second Life parcel in Tavarua, ready for its next use. Probably for the InnerLife group temporarily, since that’s what I’ve asked it to be re-purposed for during the next (and final) two months of its rental.

And as one such project ends, another begins. I’m starting to take a peek at Blender now. There is still some setup before I’m willing to go full-out on Age Building experiments (or even just helping other projects), but I like the concept and allows me to putter about with things without having to be online – something that was lacking in SL, as I could not do such things there.

I may yet putter within SL – I have a half-finished project I’d like to complete, since its my only really complex build. Otherwise I’m pretty well off it now, other than some small things I may contemplate.

–T. Kimball

A Busy March

My apologies for being so lax here, at least from a posting perspective. Never said I’d be updating this on regular basis. ;)

Anyway, I really have been busy this month. Several things happening in rapid succession:

– A new desktop PC, which I *think* is on my ‘Computer Specs’ page (see sidebar). There’s a pain I don’t want to consider again…

– The loss of access to D’mala shard, and its fix about 1.5 weeks later (granting a last-minute access to this year’s St Pats Parade).

– Said Parade (very enjoyable day), as well as the hurried week beforehand doing my only practice. Thank Goodness for dealing with this before, as well as keeping it up the past year as an Honor Guard.

– Helping out on some scripting issues regarding the InnerLife plot in Tavarua (SL). I still need to check on the status of that.

– And (finally!) getting to do the research work on the presentation in July. I’ll be sending my application for it this weekend I hope. Again, I have another page in the sidebar if anyone’s interested in following that.

Anyway, I also just made the mistake of getting Oblivion. Not installed it yet, but probably will soon…

Brief Interlude in SL

[Alan links into Second Life, arriving at Shipley sim, landing point of one Hamlet Linden. He looks around, finds the place empty, and realizes [he’s late][Late]. Sighing, he sits down and writes]:

Best of luck Hamlet. Hope things turn out well in the short-term, and in particular for the book.

With your pending disconnect from ‘official’ links with Linden Lab, perhaps you should look at the other aspects of this growing set of worlds, what I’ve tended to term (perhaps more accurately) as meta-world instead of metaverse.

SL is just one aspect of course. I’ve looked at There, and ActiveWorlds, and of course my ‘main’ home in the Caverns of D’ni, within the vast Uru. They all have their places I think, each their strengths and weaknesses, and its still anyone’s guess what shall happen in the near future.

After all, no ending can ever be written; We live within that moment, and from that a new beginning arises.

–Alan Kiesler / T. S. Kimball

[Alan then leaves the note, and a Relto book, at the site, before linking away…]


Second Sabbatical, Solidifying

I’ve learned last night that I am no longer a Resident Moderator for the Second Life forums. One less thing to worry about, though I thought it would be to the end of the week.

I had been looking over my [Temporary Farewell to Live][FWL] as well, which appears to still stand even today. Glad to see that.

I’ve also talked with those still active on the rental parcel. Still have to track down one person, but I have enough L$ to handle the March rental.

Yes, things are winding down nicely. I hope this weekend to be mostly out of Second Life, and down to just a basic management role, one that can mostly be off-world.

‘Shall see…



Second Sabbatical, Revisited

With the opening of D’mala, and a pending ‘meeting’ from DRC, I begin to wonder if its worth staying in Second Life as much as I do.

As much as I like the environment, its been a bit of a drain on a wallet that can only withstand so much nowadays. Without revealing the exact amount I spend monthly on SL, I’ll just state that going to a ‘paid’ Live – even at US$15 monthly – would be a great *drop* from what I spend today.

I’ve held back on the possibility of creating Age content, or helping any of the varying ‘big’ projects that have already arisen, because of the uncertain state of Uru. That changed this week, quite a bit, and am now prepared to step up to the plate.

I am happy with what I’ve accomplished in SL however, and if I do exit I shall do so gracefully, so that others whom I help or work with can get re-directed to other venues.


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