Fun With WordPress and Subdomains

Always a good time when you’ve never dealt with cPanel, subdomains, or the deep pitfalls of Fantastico before. :P

Anyway, started setup of a new WP site (T_S Journal), which will have a feed request to Uru Blogs once I’m ready for it.

Also, for those who actually visit, I’m swapping themes again. This one, blog.txt, is very clean (a nice qualifier in my case) and also supports the WordPress Widget format if I end up going in that direction (probably). I’ve already got an idea for one, though I may need to have a talk with Linden Lab. ;)

[EDIT – I actually needed the widget plugin loaded and enabled, so that I could get the sidebar similar to what I’m used to. Go figure. However, its much nicer to modify it, in particular from work. :) ]


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