Lots Done, Lots to do…

Well, I finally sat down with the site admin tools and did some housecleaning.

T_S_Journal is gone now, other than a couple tar files. Even the subdomain is removed. This site moved up to WP 2.7.1 as well, for the heck of it.

Added a roundcube webmail install, so that I can access the site accounts if needed.

In trying to get roundcube to install, found that I was still on PHP4; Spent the 5 mins and had the account moved to PHP5+FastCGI. Still does not help with the WP Admin login. *sigh*

In the ‘lots to do’ catagory, still got to get the pics moved around. Also have to get the B5 mini pics uploaded (from the last convention two weekends ago).

Oh, and there’s also that little last-minute thing about another Pats Parade, but this time in SL. But that’s another story, and one I’ll withhold until its over on the 14th.


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